I know a lot of you have read my updates on this subject, some of you have watched me play the game, now those of you who read this will have the pleasure of me trying to explain what it is about this facial appendage which has me so enraptured. And no, it has nothing to do with the old wives tale about the size of a man's nose and the tissue he needs.
My mother, since I was a little girl, has instilled in me the idea that there are two kinds of people in this world, those with good cute little noses and those with noses like her family, not so good, big, Scottish noses, as she once referred to them. I fall in to the former category. I have never been in doubt that when I marry and have children, she would prefer for me to end up with someone who has a good nose. Unfortunately for my mother, what I deem an attractive nose and what she does varies about as differently as two ideas can get. However, it wasn't until my friend Angie pointed it out, that I really began to notice my inclination towards strong noses.
How does one explain a strong nose? It isn't just that it it big. I mean anyone can have a big nose, many people do. Winston Churchill, Alfred Hitchcock and W.C. Fields all come to mind and I find none of them attractive. Perhaps it is the fact that they all have slightly bulbous noses. In fact not even perhaps, this is exactly the reason. The large noses I tend to gravitate towards tend to be long, straight, verging on angular, following the type of other facial features I like and body types I tend to be attracted to.
It is almost as if these essential features for getting air to the lungs acts as a continuing chance to rebel against what is expected of me, producing cute small nosed grandchildren, and as an extension of the height I search for, due to my own less than short stature. Or maybe it is just that I like angular features.....
What is interesting is I can spot a Czech nose from 50 paces. Now, it is not that the Czechs are the only people to possess these wonderful, glorious noses (after all the British actor pictured below is probably the most perfect example of the type of nose I like), it just seems more people here have this fantastic feature. Hardly a day goes by in which I am not completely blown away by some perfect example of what this entire blog post is about, especially now the warmer weather is bringing out people by the droves. And some days there are so many of them I simply wander around, enjoying the scenery and feeling silly and fickle.
But like I said, the perfect example of the perfect nose isn't Czech at all, but rather a British Actor. So here you go Ang, the most perfect nose ever.
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