Thursday, January 13, 2011

A friend's goal and inspiriation for me

I was just reading a friend's blog about how she wasn't going to wear pants for an entire year. She is a fashion designer, and a damn fine one at that, who got in the habit of wearing jeans and a wife beater (which she looks fantastic in) while getting her degree. So in order to break out of this rut of habitual dressing, and giving herself an outlet for her fashionable creativity, she has decided to wear skirts for the entirety of 2011.

This got me to thinking about some of the changes I want to make in my own life. While I am not at all fabrically creative like Amber, I do feel like I have gotten in to a bit of a rut with my dressing. For years, quite literally, I have been a tank top and cardie kinda girl. Now this was fine when rolling out of bed and going to Berkeley or drunk summers in Sac/East Bay/Boston/Santa Cruz.... you get the point, but does it serve a purpose for me anymore? I don't really think so. I mean for fuck's sake, I packed up my entire life, and moved 6000 miles away, perhaps it is time to pack up my old way of outfitting myself as well.

Now there is no way with my job I could go entirely pant less,mainly because a lot of what is required of me is crawling around with 5 years on the floor and that is very hard to do in skirts. However, I could really use a tapping into my inner vintage fashionista and stop being such a damn slob when it comes to the way I dress. I mean, really, what is wrong with a sweet pair of jeans and a sassy top or really great tweed pants and cute sweater? I ask you, what?

1 comment:

  1. this seems to be the year that a lot of women I know are recreating themselves fashion wise. For me, it's doing a lot more daily wear sewing and the easiest way is skirts and taking time to actually do the hair and wear the fab retro mat red lipstick every day. I think you should embrace the idea of changing up your look, even if it's something terribly simple.

    You've gotta represent California properly there, you know :)
