Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring, it would seem, has sprung

at least down here in Jihocesky. While the trees are still barren, there are little signs of the season change all around me: the warmer weather, a week off of work, the normally seething with animosity grocery clerks now displaying only mild contempt at my lack of Czech. It is heavenly. Don't get me wrong, I am a cold weather person through and through, but I have missed my chucks and ballet flats. Plus, I have a new pair of cute red mary-janes which  I have been aching to wear.

And how have I been celebrating this change in season, you ask? Why with spring break and dancing, of course. After a week off a work, I went back today, and not a moment to soon if you must know. I hardly feel like I am truly able to commit to a party girl lifestyle, no matter how warm the weather. And while the entire week was a blast, if not terribly exhausting, the true highlight was going to see a friend's band, Budejcky Krupani, play Saturday night. I had been meaning to see them for a while, as David is one of the first people I met here in CB, but Saturday night was the first time I was able to make it happen. Luckily for me the always fantastic Tom Twist from Germany was also rocking the crowd, and the show was high energy, verging on insanity. There is nothing like spending an evening surrounded by super cool people dancing, drinking, flirting and embracing the general mayhem of life to make this person feel connected again. It was superb. I have never met so many amazing folks in one night. It reminded me I need to do things, like go dancing and see live music, in order to have balance in  my life. Plus, I find the more I go out, the more Czech I learn and the more people I meet who speak English.

So to recap, Spring: Arriving. Spring break: Good. Saturday night, AWESOME.

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